New DDF grant applications share gifts diocesan-wide


CHARLESTON – New improved guidelines and an updated application form have been developed for the 1997-98 Diocesan Development Fund (DDF), and the Stewardship and Development Office is currently looking for applicants in South Carolina communities.

“The development of a clear, concise application process, coupled with guidelines directed toward the six major criteria of our Synod has been challenging but rewarding,” said Sandy Ferencz, diocesan director of Stewardship and Development, in a recent letter sent to pastors and pastoral administrators along with the new application booklet. “After hours of work and deliberation, we are pleased to present a ‘user-friendly’ application which should help in both requests and allocations of DDF monies.”

The purpose of the grants is to provide financial support to organizations within the diocese whose projects and programs embrace any one of the six areas of pastoral vision: Evangelization, Prayer and Worship, Christian Formation, Social Outreach, Community Building and Stewardship.

Development funds are allocated by the diocesan budget process, in which the diocesan services involved in the six areas receive two thirds of the funds contributed to DDF. These funds are part of the total income stream of the diocese and departmental allocations are determined through the budgeting process.

In addition, one third of the funds contributed to DDF are allocated to projects and programs within the state which also address the six areas, with allocations determined by the bishop with recommendations from the 32-member Diocesan Stewardship Council, comprised of representatives from the Coastal, Midlands, Pee Dee, and Piedmont deaneries.

Consideration of funding is based on how well applicants embrace the guiding principles of “Enthusiasm for the Faith,” the vision of the Synod of Charleston. Financial support can encompass program development, ministries, charities, educational services, building and renovations.

However, allocations from the Diocesan Development Fund are limited to applicants within the state, and funds given to retire or reduce a debt are determined by the bishop. Also, funds are given only to not for profit organizations.

Deadline for returning request forms is Sept. 5. Ferencz said it is her intention to distribute these new forms to all past applicants within the last five years. “If you belong to such an organization or know someone who is contact the Stewardship and Development Office for an application,” she said.

For additional forms for applicants who meet funding criteria, contact Sally Pease, stewardship and development administrative assistant, at (803) 724-8370, FAX (803) 724-6387, or e-mail