CHARLESTON — On Pentecost Sunday, Sister Christine Virginia Orfeo, superior and manager of the Daughters of St. Paul’s Pauline Books and Media Center on King Street was appointed to the order’s provincial council.
Together with their new provincial superior, Sister Germana Santos, and three other councilors, she will help govern the Daughters’ publishing house in Boston (Pauline Books and Media) and their 20 centers throughout the United States and Canada. The Daughters of St. Paul are an international congregation of Catholic sisters who proclaim the “Good News” through the press, radio, television, audio and videotapes, software programs and the Internet.
Sister Christine Virginia Orfeo, 41, is from Lancaster, Pa. She joined the Daughters in 1974 and served in their New York, Miami, Seattle, Los Angeles and San Diego centers before being appointed superior of Charleston in 1995.
She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and history from Emmanuel College.
From 1987 to 1995 she was the national vocation director. She is the author of My First Book About Mary, which won second place in the Children’s Books Division of the Catholic Press Association awards competition. As councilor, Sister Christine will oversee the various stages of initial formation and studies for the order’s young postulants and novices.
She’ll also supervise the various undertakings of the radio apostolate.