GOOSE CREEK — Knights of Columbus South Carolina State Deputy Richard E. Koehler and his wife Jo received the Circle of Honor Award at the Knights annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minn., held at the beginning of August.
The award recognizes state council performance in seven categories based on achievements in Star Council, Star District, council activity and new council development.
Points are awarded to the top 15 state councils in each of the categories.
The South Carolina Council tied with Colorado, Illinois and Michigan for 10th place among the top 15 that were recognized. Koehler was presented “The Cross of the New Millennium,” a replica of the one presented to the Holy Father by American sculptor Frederick Hart.
Koehler and his wife were also recognized for instituting two new councils.
Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant said, “It is only fitting to express heartfelt gratitude to the state deputies’ wives. With their husbands, these women shared most of the responsibilities of leading their respective jurisdictions and thereby helped promote Columbianism. They are to be congratulated for their dedication to the task.”