Bryan Babick

College seminarian at Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio

Birthplace/date: Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1977

Home parish, location: Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Charleston (was a student at the College of Charleston)

Family: only child with divorced parents; father in Washington, D.C., and mother in West Virginia

Favorite aspect of seminary: brotherhood

Most difficult aspect of seminary: trying to give up, or not focus so much on, worldly goods

3 people you would like to meet: St. Patrick, Pope John Paul II, Don Shula

Who/what inspired your vocation: my family and association with priests

What do you do for stress relief: take long walks

Last book you read: The Spirit of the Liturgy by Cardinal Ratzinger

Reactions from others on your entering the seminary: Everyone’s been very supportive. Some suggested I wait a little longer, until I was older.

What occupation would you have pursued, if not priesthood: accountant

Time period you might like to live in: I enjoy the present.

If you were stranded in a bell tower, what three things would you want with you: Bible, rosary, loaf of bread

What’s your biggest fear: losing my faith

What did you want to be as a kid: police officer

If you could be a patron saint, what would it be of: patron saint of patience

What might you choose as your personal motto: Psalm 25 … to you, oh Lord, I lift my soul