What is the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal?
The Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal (BSA) is the annual fund-raising drive for the Diocese of Charleston. This effort began in 1962 and was known as the Diocesan Development Fund. Each year, the 120 parishes and missions of our diocese take part in the BSA to raise funds for the support of centralized parish services, ministries, programs and organizations of the Diocese of Charleston.
Approximately two-thirds of the funds contributed to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal help finance
diocesan services to parishes and schools. These funds are part of the total income stream of the diocese and departmental allocations are determined through the budgeting process. The BSA is vital to funding the essential offices, services and ministries that serve the parishes, missions and schools of the Diocese of Charleston. Therefore, it can be said that every parish and school receives Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal
What Should We Give?
A Gift of Prayer
Pray for the Church, for our diocesan family, and for all people who support or are supported by the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal.
A Gift of Talent
Volunteer in your parish, school, community, and in diocesan ministries.
A Sacrificial Gift
Consider making a pledge or one-time gift to support the ministries, organizations, and thousands of people being served by the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal. Your gift is a meaningful and effective faith response to the needs in our diocese. Please continue working toward your stewardship commitment of 10 percent, designating 5 percent to your parish, 4 percent to other charities, and 1 percent to the diocese through the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal.
How Can I Give?
Pledge cards were mailed to individual homes; you can complete the pledge card by indicating the amount of your total pledge and first payment. Be sure to indicate your payment plan if making a pledge. Please make all checks payable to the Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal and send your gift to the address below.
Some parishes, as part of their parish envelopes, include a Bishop’s Stewardship Appeal envelope in which they forward contributions to the diocese.
You can support the BSA by paying through your parish envelope system, by using the pledge card or by calling the office. We also accept credit card donations and gifts of stock.
All donations to the BSA are fully tax deductible. Please keep in mind that it may be particularly advantageous for some individuals to contribute stock, appreciated securities, annuities, real estate or other valuables. In many cases, the tax savings may be more than the original investment in the gift. Because each situation is unique, we encourage donors to discuss their charitable goals with a financial advisor.
For more information
Diocese of Charleston
P.O. Box 300
Charleston, SC 29402
(843) 853-2130 ext. 211