Sister Bridget Sullivan elected to second term as OLM superior

CHARLESTON — The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy elected Sister Bridget Sullivan as General Superior for a second term.
The sisters held their General Chapter April 4-6 at their motherhouse on James Island, and the elections for their leadership team took place at the close of the sessions.
The councilors elected to serve are: Sisters Mary Joseph Ritter, Veronica Janas and Ann Billard. The team will begin their four year term in July.
Sister Bridget, age 70, said she was flattered that the order chose her to serve a second term as superior. The community has 22 women, and the result of their general chapter was three directives which Sister Bridget described as profound.
The direction statement follows:
“We, Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy, founded by Bishop John England, rooted in the Vincentian/ Setonian tradition and united in mind and heart, resolve to address three issues of concern to direct and empower our lives during the next four years.
n Dying/Rising of Community
Facing an uncertain future, we place our trust in God. Open to God’s plan for us, we will nurture an attitude of hope rooted in the promise of resurrection and move forward uniting our energies in concrete works of charity and justice in service of the poor.
n Community as Ministry
Recognizing that the quality of community living affects the quality of our service and Gospel witness, we commit to ongoing renewal of the key elements of our life together: prayer, interpersonal relationships and mission.
n Cultivating the Call: Charity Charism/Mission
Recognizing that the virtues of humility, simplicity and charity are essential to the charity charism and the life of our community, desiring to keep the charism alive, we will explore contemporary understandings of these virtues and use the new meanings to energize and empower us to be authentic Gospel witnesses in our lives and ministries.”