Roe v. Wade decision created a perpetual open hunting season for human life

Many people who came across the following story probably  found it somewhat amusing but most likely also considered it unfortunate.
A Sunday school teacher asked each pupil in the class to name one thing most dear to them. These were to be listed on the board and the class would conclude by praying for these important intentions.
The exercise began with each pupil taking a turn to announce their most important treasure, which the teacher wrote on the board. Little Bob had his turn and proudly announced that his mama was his greatest treasure. Everyone clapped for Bob as they did for each student after his or her turn. The teacher wrote “mama” on the board and proceeded to ask the next students to take their turns.
After two other students had their go, Bob raised his hand again and snapped his fingers excitedly for attention. He even stood up. He announced that he wanted to change his answer. When given the chance to speak, Bob said to the teacher, “Erase mama and write dog.”
I reckon many would readily pardon Bob for being a child. We hope that with time, however, Bob will grow in wisdom enough to return to his first choice. How could he prefer his dog to his single mother who provided for him and the dog?
At his little age, Bob may be pardoned for seeming to value animal life above human life.
I understand there are wildlife protection agencies and activists who would stop at nothing until a culprit for cruelty of an animal is punished. I also understand there is a hunting season, outside of which, gaming is prohibited and wildlife protection agencies would make culprits face the consequences.
It seems most strange to me then that there is a close to the hunting season for the sake of the protection of wildlife, while Roe V. Wade declares a perpetual open hunting season on human life.
Are we all still little Bobs in this society, waiting to grow up and to grow in wisdom? And when shall we grow up, then? Is the preservation of human life to be in second place after wildlife, while we are bemused at little Bob’s decision?
We all understand that for good reasons we have a duty to preserve wildlife. That duty is even more binding and compelling when it comes to the preservation our own species.
Father Henry N. Kulah is the admin i strator of St. Patrick Church in Charles ton.