CHARLESTON — With unemployment rates skyrocketing in South Carolina, Catholic Charities would like to help those who are out of work find employment.
The outreach group would like employers to list their vacancies on the Catholic Charities Web site. Go to www.supportcatholiccharities.org and click on the “Employment” box.
Also, people who are out of work and searching for a position are encouraged to enter their information on the page. Once listings begin to accumulate, Catholic Charities will post the respective databases of those looking to hire and those seeking jobs.
Deacon Ed Peitler, director of the diocesan office of social ministry, said they hope their endeavor will result in employers finding the right candidate for their organization, and help employees find satisfying work and the means to support their families.
He said they have called upon the intercession of St. Joseph the Worker for this project. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this work of Catholic charity.
As of this writing, Deacon Peitler said they had been inundated with about 125 requests from job seekers with various areas of expertise, but had received only four notices for employment.
“The situation might be even more bleak than we have imagined,” Deacon Peitler said. “We really are soliciting people’s help in trying to locate job opportunities for people. People are hurting out there.”
He said Catholic Charities is receiving an increased number of calls — far beyond their capacity to handle — from people seeking financial assistance. He added that, ultimately, the only long-term solution is to help them find steady employment so they can keep a roof over their heads.
Deacon Peitler said they are trying to bring people together from various parts of the diocese so that job openings in one part of the state are broadcast to everyone. He added that people are so desperate they will consider relocating to another area if there is a good match there.
“One of the things we do is try to build community to support people in the Catholic community. We try to help one another,” he said. “Catholics helping Catholics.”