The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops established a website for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. ForYourVocation.org contains handy guides for parents, tips on encouraging vocations, videos, and many other resources to answer your questions about your vocation. Start here:
- Does your relationship with God sustain you, enliven you, and invigorate you in such a way you want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others?
- Do you have a desire to serve others more?
- Is the work you do in weekly ministry more fulfilling than your 40-hour work week?
- Do you feel called to give more or be more?
- Do you long for more?
- Do you find yourself searching the Internet for information regarding the priesthood or consecrated life?
- Does the idea of becoming a brother, sister, or priest keep coming back time and time again?
- Do you have a sneaking suspicion you are on the brink of a major life decision?
Answering yes to these questions may confirm that you hear the call to discern your vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. We invite you to look at the resources on www.foryourvocation.org and to consider talking to a vocations director about these possibilities in person.
Call your local Vocations Office at (803) 254-7646 or visit www.charlestonvocations.com.