MYRTLE BEACH—St. Andrew School underwent such an extensive upgrade over the summer that they were a week late starting classes.
Students were scheduled to return Aug. 29, but Molly Halasz, principal, said the whole school family was prepared for a late start date.
She noted that the final day of construction for the new addition was slated for Aug. 30, and after that they still had to clean up, put in landscaping, and move every single school supply back into the building.
Halasz said the construction crew worked from early morning to late at night and on weekends to finish on time.
She also praised the teachers, parents and students who helped move everything out of the school and back again.
The 7,000-square-foot addition contains a large office area, a new kindergarten that is twice the size of the old, and new rooms for art, music and the library/media center.
Halasz said one of the best elements of the architectural design is the landscaped courtyard in the middle of the building. Several classrooms and the office area look out on the courtyard, including her office.
“I feel like I’m in heaven,” she said.
They hope to add a prayer garden and some benches where students or faculty can sit for quiet time.
Her husband, William Halasz, was the architect of the plans that have been 14 years in the making.
The principal said the school addition was the second phase of a fundraising campaign that led to the construction of St. Andrew Church community life center in 2004.
The parish had to pay off that debt and build the fund back up before they could start the next phase. Halasz said the school is completely paid for, and praised the late Msgr. Joseph R. Roth for guiding them through the final stages.
“We never would have done this without the overwhelming support of Msgr. Roth. He really was a blessing,” she said.
St. Andrew recently held a celebratory dinner, and Halasz said everyone was pleased with the outcome, even though they have to make up the lost days.
Students will lose a few days at Christmas and Easter break, and go a few days longer at the end of the year, but Halasz said she hasn’t heard too many complaints.
“Possibly the parents were a little tired of having the kids at home,” she said with a laugh, “but it’s the only year we’ll have to do this and it’s well worth it.”