CONCORD, N.C.–Hundreds of faithful gathered at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center in Concord Sept. 30-Oct. 1 for the Carolina Rosary Congress 2011. There was a sacred music concert Friday evening featuring the Lake Norman Orchestra and a combined parish choir (pictured above), as well as a keynote address by Bishop Emeritus William Curlin, followed by presentations in English and Spanish all day Saturday. Bishop Peter Jugis celebrated Mass on Saturday. Speakers at the Rosary Congress included Redemptorist Father Alvaro A. Riquelme, pastor of St. Joseph Church in Kannapolis; Redemptorist Father Joseph Dionne, pastor of St. James the Greater Church in Concord; Dr. Courtenay Bartholomew, a Marian author; Father Rafael Chávez of Venezuela; Redemptorist Father Oscar Rojas of Honduras; Father Paul Bergeron of New Orleans; Aida Laguitao Gamolo of New York; and Dr. Rosalie A. Turton of New Jersey.