The following is Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone’s schedule for June.
June 1 — 10 a.m., Bishop England graduation at The Citadel; 6 p.m., Priestly ordination of Deacon Mark Good in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston
June 2 — 5:30 p.m., Confirmation at St. Mary the Virgin Mother in Hartsville
June 3 — 11:15 a.m., Mass of the Neophytes in the Cathedral; 6 p.m., Priestly ordination of Deacon Jon Chalmers at St. Mary in Greenville
June 4 — 6:30 p.m., Confirmation at Our Lady of the Rosary in Greenville
June 5 — Curia meeting
June 7 — Priest Personnel meeting
June 8-10 — Out of town
June 11-16 — USCCB spring general meeting in Atlanta
June 17 — 5:30 p.m. Confirmation at St. John Neumann in Columbia (Spanish); 11:45 a.m., Confirmation at St. John of the Cross in Batesburg-Leesville
June 19 — Finance Council meeting
June 21—12:50-2 p.m. Kiwanis Club of Charleston
June 22 — Visit by youth group from St. William in Ward
June 24 — 2 p.m. Confirmation in the Cathedral
June 25 — Provincial Assembly of Bishops in Charleston
June 26 — 12:05 p.m., Mass in the Cathedral celebrated by Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory and concelebrated by provincial bishops
June 27 — 12:05 p.m., Mass at St. Mary of the Annunciation in Charleston celebrated by Bishop Guglielmone and concelebrated by provincial bishops
June 30 — 2 p.m., Confirmation at Blessed Trinity in Greer