Men’s ministry group promotes authentic leadership

MOUNT PLEASANT—David Seay believes in the power of men’s ministry.

He calls it the Sleeping Giant, and wants other men to wake up and experience the benefits of belonging to a group of spiritually connected men who offer each other support and encouragement.

To help that happen, he recently started a group that meets at Christ Our King Church and has a core of about 10 members. Seay would love to see it grow into the giant it’s modeled after —the Man to Man group at East Cooper Baptist Church that’s 300-strong.

“We don’t care if they’re Catholic or not,” he said. “If they want to come learn more about the faith, it’s a great opportunity.”

Each Friday, they meet for breakfast, companionship and spirituality. They talk about the daily Gospel lesson and how to put it into action in their own lives.

“We encourage each other to hold our ground on that lesson and move forward, instead of constantly feeling like we’re backsliding,” Seay explained.

He said men have to stop going through the motions and just checking off the list: ‘OK, I fulfilled that obligation.’ Instead, they have to put effort and emotion into it.

“The world needs authentic examples of leadership right now,” he said. “Men have a higher obligation to lead their household, and lead their family. And who do they turn to for support and guidance?”

They need to turn to God, and to other men who understand where they’re coming from.

The meetings aren’t open to women because men struggle with different things, Seay said, and need to feel free to discuss those topics, which could be anything from the demands of life to struggles with pornography.

Anything is fair game. Seay said they address personal struggles and deep issues so they can grow in their love for God, in their faith, and live as He wants.

Seay’s grandmother was a devout Catholic, but he grew up in the Episcopal Church. He converted after an intense search for answers and meaning.

“A priest told me early in life, you have to go where you’re fed. This is where God wants me for a lot of different reasons,” he said.

For him, going to church once a week wasn’t enough. Men’s ministry helps him be a better husband to his wife Amanda and a better father to their four children. But the group isn’t just for husbands and fathers, it’s for men at all stages of life.

“Our intent is to slow down and focus on our relationship with the Lord, and our relationship with other men,” he said.