GREENVILLE—Knights of Columbus Council 1668 celebrated its centennial on Jan. 12 with a Mass and gala.
Past Grand Knight Marty Riley welcomed the guests, Byrnes High School ROTC presented the colors, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Faithful Navigator Ken Koschnitzki, and their chaplain, Father Dwight Longenecker, gave the invocation.
Letters printed in the program from Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, and fellow Knight, Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone, congratulated the council as a beacon of Columbianism stating they truly invoked the orders principals of “Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.”
Council 1668 was chartered on Jan. 12, 1913, at St. Mary Church in Greenville with 55 members, and was the first in the Upstate. It is now affiliated with Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Anthony of Padua churches.
In 1953, the council was officially named after Msgr. Andrew K. Gwynn, one of the initial members and its first official chaplain.
The current officers are: Fr. Dwight Longenecker, Chaplain
William “Bill” Hooks, Grand Knight
Dan Catena, Deputy Grand Knight
Sean Mulholland, Financial Secretary
Ray Ireland, Chancellor
Frank Bufis, Recorder
Brendan Treanor, Treasurer
Douglas K Sallurday, Advocate
David Abbott, Warden
Mike Cumby, Inside Guard
Thomas Ward, Outside Guard
Donald Robert Leporte, 1st Year Trustee
Eric Bricco, 2nd Year Trustee
Richard Cortese, 3rd Year Trustee