On World Mission Sunday, people from all over the globe respond each year with donations so they can help spread the word of God.
Even in third world countries, people find a coin for the collection. For those who have nothing — not electricity, not running water — this is a lot, said Helena Moniz, coordinator for the Propagation of the Faith.
Msgr. Edward D. Lofton, pastor of St. Theresa the Little Flower Church in Summerville and director of Propagation of the Faith, asks everyone in the diocese to participate.
“The Church is never more church than when it’s at mission,” he said. “We don’t ask what their religion is. Our actions speak volumes and we just want to show our love to them.”
Missionaries from the diocese have been to India, where they built a homeless shelter and a water tower. They have traveled to the Fiji Islands to build two nurseries and a church. And they have served in many ways in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Afghanistan and Eastern Europe.
The newest project on the boards is a request from Archbishop Augustine Akubeze, who has asked for a critically needed clinic in the village of Igbogor in Nigeria.
Msgr. Lofton visited over the summer and said the need is overwhelming, especially for pregnant women and newborn babies. He said if there are any complications at all, the chance of survival is small. Nigeria has the second highest infant mortality rate in the world.
As Pope Francis said, Christians should not keep their faith within themselves or their communities, but reach out to all, for “sending missionaries is never a loss, but a gain.”
For more information, call (843) 875-5002 or propagation@sttheresachurch.com.
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