St. Mary supports women religiousAIKEN—A group of parishioners in second-sixth grade from St. Mary Help of Christians Church opened their hearts to vocations and their stomachs to pancakes. The girls are members of the Companions of Francis and Clare, a joint ministry of the Secular Franciscans and the church’s youth ministry. Emma Platte, a high school senior, serves the girls syrup sent by Angie McCormick, a novice at St. Benedict’s monastery in St. Joseph, Minn. The companions have been writing and praying for Angie during the past year. Her order collects the sap to make the syrup.
Nativity helps award-winning program
CHARLESTON—The eighth-grade class at Nativity helped Bishop Gadsden’s skilled nursing facility earn fifth place in the 2013 DHEC Spirit of Caring Best Practices Innovations statewide competition. Each year the eighth graders participate in monthly visits with the residents for bingo, crafts and socials. This program helps build meaningful relationships between the generations and community.
PoP-ing across the worldTAYLORS—The Prince of Peace school community took a trip around the globe during their annual Hall of Nations day. Participants sampled dishes from around the world and learned about the different cultures and histories as a way to promote knowledge and the ability to make positive change no matter where you are. Brian Tripp (left), a sixth grader, reported on Cameroon and served Jollof Rice.
SJN hosts fun-filled day
COLUMBIA—Michael Marteeny (below left), a kindergartener at St. John Neumann, works on a project with his grandmother, Jeanne Fulford, at the school’s annual grandparents’ day celebration. The event includes a book fair and musical program, followed by the Fall Festival after school. Students enjoyed games, jump houses, Snow Cones, face-painting, huge slides and an obstacle course. A cook-out dinner was provided by the Knights of Columbus and the Columbiettes.
Geigley to attend Governor’s school
HARTSVILLE—Kathy Geigley, a graduate of St. Paul the Apostle School in Spartanburg, was accepted into the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics in Hartsville. Governor’s school is for academically motivated juniors and seniors and specializes in science and math, or arts and humanities. Kathy attended Paul M. Dorman High School prior to her acceptance and still participate in school chorus and Future Business Leaders of America. She is the daughter of Faron and Anita Geigley and attends St. Paul the Apostle Church.
Summerville reaches out to SPCASUMMERVILLE—The Beta Club at Summerville Catholic sponsored a pet drive to support the local SPCA. Students donated food, shampoo, treats, and chew toys that were delivered to the Frances R. Wills SPCA in Summerville. The outreach commemorated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, celebrated on Oct. 4.
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