The following is Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone’s calendar for December:
Dec. 5—8:30 a.m., Mass for food basket, Bishop England High School, Daniel Island
Dec. 8—6 p.m., Mass, Immaculate Conception Church, Goose Creek
Dec. 9—Feast of the Immaculate Conception; 6 p.m., New sanctuary dedication, St. Paul the Apostle Church, Spartanburg
Dec. 12—10:30 a.m., Priest personnel board meeting, Charleston
Dec. 14—Noon, Native American Heritage celebration, Corpus Christi Church, Lexington
Dec. 15—4 p.m., Diocesan volunteer Christmas party, Charleston
Dec. 17—3 p.m., Diocesan employee Christmas party, Charleston
Dec. 23—Day before Christmas Eve, diocesan offices close at noon
Dec. 24-26—Christmas holiday, diocesan offices closed
Dec. 31—New Year’s Eve, diocesan offices close at noon