Visit from the Archdiocese for the Military Services
Bishop Richard B. Higgins (middle), Vicar for Veterans Affairs at the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, visited recently. Bishop Higgins is responsible for more than 270 Catholic chaplains at each of the 153 VA Medical Centers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and Guam. Bishop Higgins also serves as the Bishop Protector for the 10,000 members of the Catholic War Veterans of America. He is pictured here in the Medical Center Chapel with Father Robert Higgins, Charleston VAMC Catholic Chaplain (left), and Jeff Sage, Engineering Services Director (right).
Pickens Knights donate to STEEP
PICKENS—Knights of Columbus Council 9576 recently presented $1,828 to the Pickens County Career and Technology Center for their Secondary Transition Education & Employability Program. STEEP prepares special needs students for life and entry level employment within their community and serves young adults in grades 9-12. The funds were raised through the Operation HOPE Tootsie Roll donations and direct contributions.
St. Mary women’s club presents scholarship and honors ‘Nineties Club’
GREENVILLE—St. Mary Church women’s club, held their annual banquet on May 13 at the Greenville Country Club. Father Jay Scott Newman, pastor, installed new officers. President Peggy Moulton awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Natalie Rogers, who graduated from St. Joseph’s Catholic School. The women also honored “The Nineties Club” members: Jean Boggs, 97, a 77 year member; Alma Furman, 95, a 57-year member; Ruth O’Rourke, 95, a 73-year member; Rose Eassy, 94, a 43-year member; Nancy Ferro, 91, a 22-year member; and Helen Williams, 90, another 22- year member.
Bless this tug
CHARLESTON—Father Robert Higgins, chaplain to the Port of Charleston, blesses the Moira McAllister tugboat, property of McAllister Tug and Towing, on May 24 at the Passenger Terminal. Father Higgins is the Diocese of Charleston’s representative to the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People/Apostleship of the Sea, and holds blessings of watercraft to ask for the safe workings of the ship and for all who will be affected by it. Over the years, he has blessed nearly 100 boats and ships. On Memorial Day, he blessed a small fleet of boats on Lake Wateree, at the beginning of the recreational boating season.
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