The following is Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone’s calendar for August:
Aug. 10—10 a.m., confirmation, St. Andrew Church in Barnwell; 3 p.m., confirmation, St. Mary Church in Allendale
Aug. 14—12:30 p.m., Building and Renovation Committee in Charleston
Aug. 15—Feast of the Assumption, diocesan offices closed; 12:05 p.m., public Canonical Consecration of a Virgin Mass, St. Michael Church in Garden City
Aug. 17—9 a.m., Mass, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston, followed by a blessing of the statue of St. John the Baptist and the garden
Aug. 18-20—Provincial Assembly of Bishops and Priests in Savannah, Ga.
Aug. 21—12:30 p.m., Curia meeting in Charleston
Aug. 23—10 a.m., Bishop’s Society of Catholic Scholars meeting, St. Joseph Church in Columbia
Aug. 24—11:15 a.m., Confirmation, St. Luke Church in Easley, including Holy Cross Church in Pickens
Aug. 25—2 p.m., Priest Personnel Board meeting, St. Joseph Church in Columbia
Aug. 26—10 a.m., Presbyteral Council meeting, St. Peter Church in Columbia
Aug. 31—6 p.m., Mass, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston