The following is Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone’s calendar for September:
Sept. 1—Labor Day, diocesan offices closed; 8 a.m., Mass, St. Patrick Church, Charleston
Sept. 2—8 a.m., Mass, St. Patrick Church, Charleston
Sept. 3—8 a.m., Mass, St. Patrick Church, Charleston
Sept. 4—9:30 a.m., Mass of the Holy Spirit, Cardinal Newman School, Columbia
Sept. 5—10 a.m., Mass, St. Joseph Church, Columbia
Sept. 7—9:30 a.m., Mass and Installation of the pastor of St. Clare of Assisi Church, Bishop England High School; 1:30 p.m., 25th Anniversary of OLM Outreach Center, Johns Island; 5 p.m., Sunday student Mass and discussion,
College of Charleston Catholic Student Association, St. Patrick Church, Charleston
Sept. 8—12:05 p.m., Mass, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Charleston
Sept. 9—8 a.m., Mass, St. Patrick Church, Charleston; 10 a.m., LARCUM meeting, Holy Trinity Church, Orangeburg
Sept. 11—12:30 p.m., Building and Renovation committee meeting, Charleston
Sept. 14—3 p.m., Closing Mass, Women’s Cursillo weekend, Our Lady of the Hills Church, Columbia
Sept. 15-18—Priest Retreat, Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, N.C.
Sept. 20—9 a.m., Respect Life conference Mass, St. John Neumann School, Columbia; 5:30 p.m., Rite of Admission of Lectors and Acolytes, St. Peter Church, Columbia
Sept. 27—9 a.m., 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, Greenville
Sept. 28—8:30 a.m., Marian Eucharistic Conference Mass, St. Joseph’s Catholic School, Greenville
Sept. 29—10:10 a.m., Mass and visit, St. Joseph’s Catholic School, Greenville
Sept. 30—7 p.m., 40 Days for Life prayer vigil, Charleston