ST. LOUIS—The Catholic Miscellany received eight awards during the Catholic Media Convention held June 1-3. The annual competition is sponsored by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada, and the awards were presented June 3.

Caroline Lindsey, graphic designer, received a first and third place respectively for best use of art or graphics with the articles “Looking back on 2014” and “7 things to love about Catholic schools”.
Amy Wise Taylor tied for second place in best news writing originating with the paper on a local or regional event (non-weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) for “Thousands of mourners pay their respects” which covered the massacre at Emanuel AME Church. Honorable mention went to “Communities pitch in to help those in need” by Christina Lee Knauss who wrote about the South Carolina floods.
Miscellany freelancer Jeff Blake won first place for best feature photo for “Blessing all God’s creatures”. Deirdre C. Mays received two third place honors one for best scenic, still-life, or weather photo “Encyclical on creation” and best photo-illustration, “Marriage — The Church still stands”.

Lindsey and Taylor also received an honorable mention in the best coverage of a routine, sacramental event (non-weekly diocesan newspaper, circulation 25,001 or more) for “The fronds and foliage of Palm Sunday”.
The Miscellany is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Charleston and is responsible for documenting the major news and events of the Church in the state of South Carolina. It was the first Catholic newspaper in the United States founded by Bishop John England in 1822.