SENECA—St. Paul the Apostle Church’s Respect Life Committee urged their youth ministry to become more pro-life and on Nov. 19, a group of 35 drove an hour to the Greenville Women’s Clinic to pray the rosary outside.
They were led by Right to Life committee members and youth minister, Justin Dery. Parents and teens prayed and discussed abortion and the need to reach out with love.
Dery said the group will continue praying at the abortion center every other month and will do clean up work at the Piedmont Women’s Center, a free pregnancy Care Clinic located next door. They hope other parishes in the state will follow their lead, said Jim Canvin, co-chairman of the church’s Respect Life Committee.
“The great increase of prayers from more youth groups praying year-round at abortion centers could help close them and save innocent lives,” Canvin said in a press release.
If youth ministers or parents are interested or concerned about youth involvement at abortion centers, contact Dery, 864-886-2421 or jd@saintpaulseneca.org.