WASHINGTON—Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, invited Catholics and others to join the nationwide “9 Days for Life” campaign.
“We’re praying for a lot of things this month, including racial harmony, Christian unity, and the protection of all human life,” Cardinal Dolan said. “As we pray for that unity, I invite our brothers and sisters in Christ to join in the ‘9 Days for Life’ prayer campaign. Together, our prayers and actions can witness to the dignity of the human person.”
9 Days for Life is the U.S. bishops’ annual prayer and action campaign around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout the nine months of pregnancy. It occurs this year from Saturday, January 21 to Sunday, January 29.
Each day treats a different aspect of respecting the dignity of the human person—from the beginning of life to its natural end. At a time when many are attending demonstrations and marches in person, novena participants are encouraged make a kind of “virtual pilgrimage.” In solidarity with tens of thousands, they can pray daily, gather for fellowship and discussion, and share their experiences on social media with the hashtag, #9daysforlife.
The website, www.9daysforlife.com, features a video with Cardinal Dolan calling the campaign “a great way to put our faith into action.” The site offers four ways to receive the daily prayers, suggested reflections, and practical actions, including links to the free “9 Days for Life” smartphone app. The campaign will be featured on the People of Life Facebook page, on Twitter @USCCBprolife, and in the bishops’ Instagram feed.
USCCB / Judy Keane
Image / Daniel Tibi