CHARLESTON—Sister Mary Thecla Paolini celebrated her 60th jubilee as a Daughter of St. Paul on Sept. 17 at Sacred Heart Church.
The Mass intention was in her honor. Pauline Sister Margaret Kerry told The Miscellany that the readings of the day were on forgiveness and it made her think “of all the joy Sister Mary Thecla exudes because she has forgiven many times over 60 years, letting go and allowing God to work God’s wonders in her.”
Father C. Thomas Miles, pastor of Sacred Heart, wrote a special blessing for Sister Mary Thecla that was witnessed by the congregation after Mass. A reception followed.
Her celebration began in Boston at the Daughters of St. Paul’s main house for the United States. She joined her co-novice Sister Mary Stephen and sisters celebrating 50 and 25 years. Then her family celebrated in her hometown in the Buffalo, N.Y., area.