Five schools in the diocese have new principals this year. Read their Q&A with The Miscellany below.
* St. Joseph in Anderson welcomes Haymee Giuliani *
Education credentials: Public accountant, Spanish teaching certification, pursuing MSEd with concentration on Catholic School Leadership from St. Joseph College in Maine
Professional background: Administration and accounting for Hoogovens Technical Services, English as a second language instructor, director of religious education at St. Joseph Church in Anderson, taught Spanish and religion at Trinity Junior High in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and most recently taught Spanish at St. Mary School in Greenville, S.C.
Family: Husband Mark and son Patrick, who is a senior at St. Louis University in Missouri. We have moved many times between Mexico, Canada and the USA due to Mark’s work and are happy to be back in South Carolina, where we have great friends. This is home for us!
Pets: None currently.

What attracted you to St. Joseph? It is home. Our son graduated from St. Joseph 12 years ago. It is a great parish community. Our pastor is very supportive of education. It is a small school where everyone truly becomes your family. I want to provide this family atmosphere to the new families just as it was extended to us.
What are your hopes for the school year? To get to know all the staff and students and be part of the St. Joseph family. To integrate faith and Catholic traditions in all classes. To share my Hispanic background and culture with the students.
When you just want to relax, what do you like to do? I like to make religious jewelry; love wearing it and evangelizing with it. We enjoy traveling to other countries. Usually, our trip planning is centered on pilgrimages to Catholic holy sites or based on readings about the life of the saints and then we plan a trip to visit their hometowns.
Your favorite place to go: My family is in Mexico and my husband’s family is in Canada so we make time to connect with them. As we love traveling, when we cannot travel we look for different restaurants, trying various cuisines and spices. We love learning from other cultures.
A favorite place to volunteer: I have always shared my time with the Church, teaching RCIA, confirmation class, youth group. I am an advocate for annulments in Arkansas. My husband and I are members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and are committed to promoting interest among Catholics to help keep Christians safe in the Holy Land and maintain the religious sites. I am a member of Partners in Benedictine Education with the Sisters of St. Scholastica in Arkansas, which offers scholarships to girls in Guatemala to support them and help them receive a Catholic education. I am also a Benedictine Oblate. At times, I cannot sit and take quiet time for prayers, so I do them while I am working.
* St. Mary Help of Christians in Aiken welcomes Charlene Krushinsky *
Education credentials: A bachelor’s in elementary education and master’s in educational leadership (Northern Arizona University); post-graduate work in Catholic school management from University of Notre Dame; certified reading specialist and certified autism specialist.
Professional background: Prior position was at St. Louis the King Catholic School in Glendale, Arizona, for six years (2012-2018); currently a consultant and principal mentor with the Latino Enrollment Institute at the University of Notre Dame for the past three years (2015 – present)
Family: Proud mom of three amazing daughters who have all been in Catholic school from pre-school to college! I am third generation Arizona native and all my family lives there. This is the first time I’ve ever been to the South and love it!
Pets: Currently don’t have any, but hope to soon! Love cats, dogs, and donkeys.

What attracted you to St. Mary? The welcoming and faith filled environment, the students, parents, and teachers … plus a dynamic pastor — Father Gregory Wilson!
What are your hopes for the school year? I hope to enrich the wonderful traditions St. Mary’s already has and to create an inclusive school environment welcoming all God’s children.
When you just want to relax, what do you like to do? Love to read, hike, swim, and go camping.
Your favorite place to go: One of my favorite places is Oak Creek Canyon in Arizona. The beautiful canyon walls are stunning and there are many great trails to hike.
A favorite place to volunteer: I am passionate about helping others in need such as volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul or working with those that are marginalized.
Anything else interesting you’d like to share: I can’t wait to explore the South and the East Coast since I have never been here before. I love history and plan to visit many historical sites. Plus, eat and enjoy all this wonderful Southern cooking!
* St. Peter in Columbia welcomes Aubrey Wall *
Education credentials: A bachelor’s in education from Penn State University, minors in special education and music performance, master’s in educational administration from the University of South Carolina, Ed.D. candidate in Curriculum & Instruction, Educational Technology Concentration at University of South Carolina, and licensed in early childhood education, elementary education, and administration
Professional background: Five years teaching experience at Satchel Ford Elementary School in Richland School District One – first grade
Family: Husband Brodie Wall (recently married on July 28, 2018)
Pets: Dogs: Beau, Barnaby, and Beulah; and Bijou the cat (all rescues)

What attracted you to St. Peter? I fell in love with the community and spirit of the parish. When I walked into St. Peter School for the very first time, I felt a warmth that is truly indescribable. I could tell immediately that this small school offered a supportive, encouraging community that was strongly rooted in its commitment to our Catholic faith. I have asked many people what brought them to St. Peter’s School … and many say the same thing: It enchants you with feelings of love and support. We all feel drawn to this place in such a special and unique way.
What are your hopes for the school year? To get to know members of our parish community and those who attend and support St. Peter’s. It has been running since 1852 and has an incredibly rich history that I hope to learn so I can embrace and foster its traditions. I am incredibly excited to collaborate with our staff to develop an innovative, growth mindset that can advance St. Peter’s student achievement.
When you just want to relax, what do you like to do? My guiltiest pleasure is watching Netflix! After a long day of work I love to curl up on my couch with a cup of tea and a great documentary on the television! I also love to read. As I mentioned, I am currently a doctoral candidate in curriculum and instruction, so much of the reading that I do during the school year is academic. I cherish the few weeks over the summer or Christmas holidays that I can sit back and dive into a good, fiction book – mysteries are my favorite!
Your favorite place to go: I love to travel! My husband’s maternal family is from Edinburgh, Scotland. We try to go there at least once a year to visit with his grandfather and other relatives and friends. I have also been to Poland, Italy, Guatemala, Canada, Ireland, England, and most recently Cuba.
A favorite place to volunteer: When I moved to Columbia, I became involved with the Junior League. I joined a committee that assists children with special needs and their families. We organize respite events for parents and their children and raise money to support organizations that cater to our special needs student population in the Midlands.
For more stories and photos from The Miscellany’s back-to-school edition, visit https://miscellany.wpengine.com/subscribe/
Mary Margaret Martin from St. Anthony of Padua in Greenville and Delores Gilliard from St. Martin de Porres in Columbia could not be reached for comment.