The only reference to Holy Saturday in Scripture is Matthew 27, which describes the chief priests and Pharisees meeting with Pontius Pilate on the day after the crucifixion. They ask for guards to be placed at Christ’s tomb so no one may take his body away and later claim he was resurrected.
April 11, Holy Saturday
“So they went and secured the tomb by fixing a seal to the stone and setting the guard.” Matthew 27:66
Holy Saturday is a time for prayer and reflection as we contemplate His crucifixion and the day after His death, as Christ’s body lies in the tomb. Tradition says this is the time when He descended into hell.
Traditionally, no Masses are held during the day. No sacraments are generally offered except the anointing of the sick and sometimes confession. Communion may only be given to the gravely ill or dying. Holy Saturday lasts until dusk, when Easter Vigil celebrations begin.
The Easter Vigil Mass will be celebrated April 11 at 8 p.m. via livestream, which will be broadcast on the diocesan Facebook page at facebook.com/DioceseChas and youtube.com/DioceseChas.