The Serra Club is working with The Catholic Miscellany to provide a series of profiles on the Diocese of Charleston seminarians.
Mario Aguilar is currently in his senior year of studies at St. John Vianney College Seminary in Miami, Fla.
His expected ordination date is May 22, 2025.
Who is a person you admire and why?
St. Augustine of Hippo. He has taught me so much in his writings. I encourage everyone to read “The Confessions.” St. Augustine has a beautiful way of connecting with you in such a way that can be extremely beneficial to your life.
How did you discern your vocation?
As a teen, I would help serve the Holy Mass as an altar boy.
As I grew older, my interest in serving the Church grew deeper and led me to seminary.
What is your typical day?
A typical day for me is waking up at 6 a.m., getting ready to pray the Office of Readings, and afterwards going to Mass. After Mass I like to go to the gym. After about an hour at the gym, my classes start. My last class usually ends around 1:30 p.m. After a long day in my classes, I like to take a 15-minute nap. After my nap, I do my holy hour with some spiritual readings. At 5 p.m. I pray the Office of Readings as a community with my brother seminarians. Immediately after, we eat dinner. Finally, around 9 p.m, I close my day with night prayer.
When you were around 10 or 11 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was 10 years old, I wanted to be a fireman. I’ve always wanted to do something with my life where I could help others.
Name three words that describe you?
If three words could describe me, I’d say kind, friendly, and honest.
What pastime are you happiest doing?
Going outdoors and connecting with nature.
What what would your personal motto be?
Pray, hope, and remain calm.
The Serra Club of Charleston is a member of the USA branch of Serra International with the goal of nurturing vocations around the world. For more information, email Debra Dinolfo at debdinolfo@gmail.com.