FORT MILL—The rose garden located on the grounds of St. Philip Neri Church is dedicated to St. Thèrése of Lisieux, also known as “The Little Flower of the Child Jesus.” A hand-carved statue of Carrara marble from Italy adorns the garden of 57 assorted rose bushes along a paved path.
The idea to create a rose garden first germinated in 2016 during a parish pilgrimage, led by then-pastor Father John Giuliani, to Canton and Cleveland, Ohio, to visit several shrines of St. Thèrése.
Parishioners were so inspired by the life of the simple Carmelite sister, and the miracles bestowed through her intercession, that they decided to build a shrine. A Rose Garden Guild was formed of volunteers, who raised funds to plant the garden and obtain the statue.
The garden was officially dedicated to Father John on May 14, 2017. It is lovingly cared for by members of the Rose Garden Guild, who are true stewards of God’s creation.
The rose garden is enjoyed by parishioners for prayer, meditation, and other spiritual activities.