Bishop Robert J. Baker offered this prayer before the annual March for Life in Washington.
Prayer for those who march for the cause of life
Good and gracious God, we thank you for this wonderful day and for this wonderful group of people who have come out today on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade to witness to the cause of life, the cause of the unborn. Please bless all of us, Lord, as we march together on behalf of those who cannot march for themselves. Bless the people who come here year after year and the people who are here for the very first time. Bless the courageous public servants and legislators who have put their political careers on the line to protect human life and stand with those who are poor and vulnerable, those public servants who provide a moral leaven for our society and a great witness for a democracy that supports all of life, including life in the womb. Help them and all of us all to realize that the right of innocent human life to have the protection of law is a divine right and a human right, that no one can morally deny. We ask your blessing in a special way on the thousands of young people who have come out on another cold January day to say a loud “No” to a culture of death and a loud “Yes” to a culture of life. As the vanguard of a new generation, may their march today bring a message of hope to those who believe in the cause of life and a message of mercy to those who repent of having wrongfully taken innocent human life. Send your angels before us, Lord, to lead us safely to our destinations in this world and in the next. Amen.