Eco-education programs
COLUMBIA—The Midlands Green Congregation Initiative and South Carolina Interfaith Power & Light will hold two programs featuring Sister Paula Gonzalez. “Awakening to Eco-Spirituality” will be Jan. 23 from 6-7:30 p.m. at 701 Whaley St. Admission free, registration is required. “How to Energize for Eco-Spirituality,” will be Jan. 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Shandon United Methodist Church, 3407 Devine St. Admission $10, registration required. Details: www.sustainablemidlands.org, or ryan@sustainablemidlands.org.
‘Story of Faith’
COLUMBIA—Cathy Novinger, United Way’s 2010 Humanitarian of the Year, will discuss “One Woman’s Story of Faith: Facing Ovarian Cancer” Jan. 17 at 6:15 p.m. at St. Peter Church, 1529 Assembly St. The free event includes a buffet. Contact: Emily Hero, emilyw5@yahoo.com, or (803) 779-0036.
St. Peter School info session
COLUMBIA—St. Peter School will hold an information session on Jan. 24 at 6:30 p.m. at 1529 Assembly St. Light supper and tour of the facilities provided. Contact: Emily Hero, emilyw5@yahoo.com, or (803) 779-0036.
Knights soccer challenge
COLUMBIA—The Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge came down to 30 students in the state finals on Dec. 9. Of the 10 winners, five were sponsored by Council 6076. They are: Lilly Slaughter, Colette Grieshop, Madison Miller, Nathan Brown and Monica Grieshop.
Giving thanks
SPRINGFIELD-St. Theresa Mission sponsored the Springfield Ecumencial Thanksgiving Service recently. An estimated 100 people attended. The event has been held for three decades and is rotated to churches in the community, according to parish representatives. Pastors and members of their churches included: Rev. Stephen Gantt and First Baptist Church; Rev. Glenn Metts and Pleasant Hill Baptist Church; Rev.Wendell Sims and Samaria Baptist Church; Rev. Dalton Ward and Dean Swamp Baptist Church; Rev. Johnny Baker and Emmanuel Community Church; Father Artur Przywara and St. Theresa; and Rev. DeWitt Livingston of Springfield Methodist Church. Lawana Furtick provided the music.
Luncheon and fashion show
GARDEN CITY—St. Michael Church Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court 2356 will hold their annual luncheon and fashion show on Feb. 18 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost $30. Call the church, (843) 651-3737, or Anne Pott, (843) 357-8360.
Columbiette auxiliary
LORIS—An inauguration will be held in January for the Columbiette Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus Council 14892. Catholic women over the age of 18 may join. Meetings are the third Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. Call Thursa Sotak, (803) 648-8002 or Gloria Kinney, (843) 392-4960.
‘History of the Catholic Church’
MYRTLE BEACH—St. Andrew Church will present the “History of the Catholic Church, EPIC” for 20 weeks beginning Jan. 5. Sessions will be in the community life center on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Registration is $38. Details: June Tarangelo, (843) 448-5930 ext. 102, or junetarangelo@yahoo.com.
Mardi Gras Gala
FLORENCE—St. Anthony School will hold a Mardi Gras Gala on Feb. 18 from 6-11:30 p.m. at the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology, 1951 Pisgah Road. The event features cocktails, food, and live and silent auctions. Tickets: $50. Babysitting available for small donation.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
MYRTLE BEACH—The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend will be Feb. 24-26. Apply early. Call Brian or Pam DeVos, (864) 587-8070.
Saturday Night Alive in Christ
GREENVILLE—St. Mary Church youth group will host Saturday Night Alive in Christ on Jan. 7 from 6-10 p.m., 111 Hampton Ave., for all high school students. Event includes dinner, sports, ice breakers, speakers and worship. Admission: $5. Call Chris Stansberry, (864) 630-1646.
St. Joseph’s admissions testing
GREENVILLE—St. Joseph’s Catholic School will hold admissions testing for fall 2012 enrollment on Jan. 7 and Feb. 4 for all grades. Visit www.sjcatholicschool.org.
Rosaries for Life
COLUMBIA—The Rosaries for Life Campaign exceeded its goal of 30,000 this year, according to Kathy Schmugge, assistant director of the Office of Family Life. St. Michael Church in Garden City came in at the highest with 4,463, Our Lady Star of the Sea in North Myrtle Beach had 2,772, and St. John Neumann in Columbia had 2,621. St. Paul the Apostle School in Spartanburg had the highest school count with 921.
Longest married couples
SAN BERNARDINO , Calif.—Worldwide Marriage Encounter program seeks the longest married couple in the United States and by state. Recognition will also be given by state. Nominations are open to all husband and wife couples regardless of religious affiliation. Send the couple’s name, wedding date and where they reside plus a contact phone or email of the person nominating to: dick anddiane66@bellsouth.net; Dick and Diane Baumbach, 1430 Scorpious Court, Merritt Island, FL 32953, or call (321) 453-2475. Nominations must be received by Jan. 10.
Guatamala Medical Mission
The Diocese of Charleston will host a medical mission trip to San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala, from Feb. 5-12. Volunteer physicians, dentists, optometrists, nurses, and interpreters fluent in Spanish are needed. Non-medical persons, especially Catholic youth, are encouraged to attend. Applications: www.catholic-doc.org click on Diocesan Departments then Medical Missions. Details: Deacon Ed Peitler, doctoredpeitler@gmail.com.