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Charleston Deanery

Knights install officers

NORTH CHARLESTON—Knights of Columbus Council 8900 installed the following officers: Alphonso McCutchen; John McGraw, Deputy Grand Knight; Fred Standrich, Chancellor; Roy Massey, Financial Secretary; Milton McCullough, Recorder; Donald Skinner, Warden; Thomas Brooks, Treasurer. Rev. Michael […]

Charleston Deanery

Fun Nun Bowl nets $10,000

CHARLESTON—The Fun Nun Bowl IV, sponsored by Lucis Via from the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, recently raised $10,000 for charity. Proceeds will benefit The Daughters of St. Paul, Neighborhood House, Camp Rise Above, […]

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Myrtle Beach Deanery

Knights elect new officers

GARDEN CITY—Knights of Columbus Council 8980 recently elected a new slate of officers and held an installation Mass on July 2. The new Grand Knight is Timothy J. McGraw, who replaces Past Grand Knight Gilbert […]