Lessons from a dirty alb
The other day I reached into the washing machine and pulled out my alb, the white robe that we priests wear underneath the vestments at Mass. I had let the thing go way too long […]
The other day I reached into the washing machine and pulled out my alb, the white robe that we priests wear underneath the vestments at Mass. I had let the thing go way too long […]
The role of Mary is central during the season of Advent. She is a role model for all Christians, but particularly for the young. Mary was very young when she received God’s call to be […]
As the economy remains in recovery, it’s commonplace to see businesses close their doors or established organizations cease operations as they find it the best available option given their current circumstance. Many companies shrank expenses, […]
Last Friday I was trudging from a 7:30 a.m. meeting to a 9:15 a.m. meeting, eyelids propped open by sheer willpower, brain in a fog that prevented me from remembering my name. The cup of […]
How easy it is to be absorbed in one’s self. We work so hard taking care of ourselves that we can be oblivious to the needs of others. We can fall into the trap of […]
Sometimes there’s a fine line between youth ministry and being a cruise director. We had a fall retreat lock-in at my church recently and I found myself making spreadsheets to coordinate meal deliveries, musicians, entertainment, […]
One of changes made to the responses we will use at Mass will be the new response given by the people when the celebrant says, “the Lord be with you.” The revised translation will use […]
Let me tell you about something that continues to concern me. It is about our often-weak response or failure to respond to the prayers of the Mass. This concern probably comes from my liturgy coordinator […]
I have one domestic skill — Tollhouse cookies. I don’t know why mine are different, but they’re kind of legendary. They’ve helped me obtain trucks and manpower when I moved, forgiveness from the maintenance staff […]
The upcoming changes in Mass texts have given rise to the obvious question: “Have we been wrong all of this time?” Since the Mass was first translated into English by decree of the Second Vatican […]
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