Ballou wins scholarship
William Ballou, a senior at Cardinal Newman, was Honor Society. He has played school sports since the sixth grade — soccer and football — and is a member of National Honor Society, Pep Club and Alpha Theta Theology Club. Ballou has been an altar server at St. Joseph Church since the fourth grade.
St. Joe’s aces AP exams
St. Joseph’s Catholic School earned top scores on Advanced Placement exams completed this past spring, with students posting an 87 percent pass rate. The state pass rate was reported at 58 percent and the national pass rate was 59 percent.
St. Peter cooks up success
St. Peter’s School raised over $10,000 at its recent fundraiser: Glorious Greek for Health & Happiness, a Cooking Demo and Dinner with Patricia Moore-Pastides, first lady of the University of South Carolina. Menus at the event were based on Pastides’ cookbooks.
Students earn scholarship honors
Diocesan students joined more than 1.5 million teens to take the 2014 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Those who make the semifinalist list are in the top 1 percent of students in the nation, and those who are listed as commended are in the top 5 percent.
At Bishop England High School in Charleston, Kathleen Blackwood, Kathleen Hart and Noah Steipel qualified as semifinalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Also, Caroline Colvin qualified as a semifinalist in the National Achievement Scholarship Program. Caitlin Greenho, Taylor Rice, Regan Van Metre and Cristian Widenhouse are commended.
At Cardinal Newman in Columbia, Noah Zimmermann earned a spot as National Merit semifinalist and Coleman Bacon was named commended.
At St. Joseph’s Catholic in Greenville, Alec Biscopink and Ben Dunphy were named National Merit semi-finalists and Alexandria Wise was named a semifinalist in the National
Achievement Scholarship Program. Kathryn Corasaniti, Carol Lewis and Elisabeth Noblet were named commended students.
Norton wins Haiku contest
TAYLORS—Melina Norton, a fourth-grader at Prince of Peace, won first place in the youth category of the Emrys Fountain Haiku poetry contest. Winners were honored at a formal ceremony with Japanese dignitaries at the Hyatt on Sept. 17. First-place entries were included in a publication “Emrys Goes Haiku” and the students were given an original art piece of the Japanese translation.
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