Celebrating consecrated life
GREENVILLE—A celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life was held for women religious recently. Hosted by the Poor Clare Monastery and sponsored by Bon Secours St. Francis Health System, the event included Mass followed by a reception and lunch. Pictured are sisters from the various congregations represented: Sister Mary Sheila Maksim, Nashville Dominicans; Sister Carolyn Forgette, Poor Clares of Travelers Rest; Sister Margie Hosch, Sisters of St. Francis (Dubuque); Sister Catherine Noecker, Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities; and Sister Dorothy Brogan, Bon Secours Sisters.
Knights honor veterans
GREENWOOD—Veterans and Knights gather in front of the new plaque donated by Knights of Columbus Assembly 3100 at a ceremony held in the Greenwood County Veterans Center recently. The plaque signifying the Hall of Heroes at the Greenwood County Veterans Affairs Office on Main Street is made of marble and replaces a paper poster that read, “Greenwood County Veterans Affairs Hall of Heroes.”
Knights hold ceremony for unborn
NORTH MYRTLE BEACH—Knights of Columbus Council 7122 hosted a “Day of the Unborn” ceremony at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, recently. Father Anthony Droze, pastor, rededicated the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Pictured are: altar servers John Bruno and Tom Hoch with Frank Quaglietta, faithful navigator, and Nello Signorino, grand knight.