In honor of National Vocations Awareness Week, The Miscellany asked our seminarians some mostly light-hearted questions to help people get to know them better.
Some of the questions received very similar answers from everyone, such as “what is your biggest fear.” Spiders was the No. 1 response, followed by heights, and other creepie-crawlies like wasps and scorpions.
The seminarians were also in agreement when it came to their favorite way to help others. Almost all said it’s important to just listen, to be there as an example of Christ’s loving and joyful presence.
Here are some more responses from our potential future priests:
Patrick Judd
Favorite TV show: Downton Abbey and Sherlock.
Favorite/least favorite food: Pizza/mushrooms.
Something on your “bucket list”: I would love to backpack in Iceland.
An adventurous moment: Worked at a Catholic outdoor adventure camp in the Colorado Mountains and slept outside under the stars for two months.
Proud moment: When my little brother asked me to be his confirmation sponsor.
Free-time activity: All sports, but I especially love backpacking and camping.
Music or sports event: The Avett Brothers.
Favorite saint: St. John Paul II because of his great love for people and his focus on building up the Culture of Life through the Church; plus I’m drawn to his great love of the outdoors and incorporating God’s wonder through adventure.
Matthew Bauer
Favorite TV show: Doctor Who because I love sci-fi and especially time travel.
Favorite/least favorite food: Homemade beef stroganoff/soup, because it’s watery.
Something on your “bucket list”: To take a trip to Italy.
An adventurous moment: I spent a week in England during my junior year in high school.
Proud moment: I was in a one-act play. It was fun, and it was a way to push myself to not be afraid of speaking in front of an audience.
Free-time activity: I love to read books and spend time with friends and family.
Music or sports event: I would love to see “The Phantom of the Opera” again. It is my favorite musical.
Favorite saint: St. Matthew the Apostle because he left his life of sin behind in order to follow Jesus, and gave his life to spreading the Gospel. He inspires me to follow Christ as well and do what He asks of me.
Jimmy Touzeau
Favorite TV show: The Office.
Favorite/least favorite food: Steak/raisins.
Something on your “bucket list”: Something I have done is attend The Masters Golf Tournament.
An adventurous moment: Drove across the country to see a friend.
Proud moment: Graduating from Clemson University.
Free-time activity: Playing golf.
Music or sports event: Attend a Super Bowl.
Favorite saint: St. Augustine. He’s a good reminder that saints are not super-human. They have faults just like us. A good reminder to strive always for the best you can be.
Andrew Fryml
Favorite TV show: ESPN because I love sports!
Favorite/least favorite food: Chinese buffets/Brussel sprouts.
Something on your “bucket list”: To travel to the Czech Republic to discover my families’ heritage.
An adventurous moment: Climbed up to 11,000 feet on Pikes Peak, Colorado. At one point the snow was above my knee.
Proud moment: Earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Boy Scouts was an integral part of my upbringing, where I learned about my duty to God, country and community. Receiving the highest rank gave me the learned importance of hard work and perseverance.
Free-time activity: I love biking! I always have my bike in the back seat of my car. Also, anytime there are hills or mountains I hike.
Music or sports event: I have never been to an NBA game. I would really like to see Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers play.
Favorite saint: St. Augustine! He is my patron because he was always searching for the truth. He was a passionate man who knew the Lord, loved God’s people, and never feared to preach the Gospel!
Will Frei
Favorite TV show: BBC’s Planet Earth, in particular, Planet Earth: Human Planet.
Favorite/least favorite food: I like any and all cuisine, and trying new food. The food I dislike the most is anchovies.
Something on your “bucket list”: I’d like to spend few days hiking the Appalachian Trail.
An adventurous moment: Skydiving with a friend. was an incredible experience, but I don’t care to do again.
Proud moment: Completing my undergraduate in philosophy at the Catholic University of America.
Free-time activity: Playing soccer, hiking and reading.
Music or sports event: I would wish to see El Clásico — any soccer match between fierce rivals Real Madrid C.F. and FC Barcelona, in Spain.
Favorite saint: I cannot say for sure that I have a saint — each saint teaches us so much about loving God and man. However, one of my favorite saints Thomas Aquinas. He was an incredibly holy man, also a genius, and I have had the opportunity to read many of his works. He is an inspiration to become holier and wiser.
Matthew Curley
Favorite TV show: Leave it to Beaver.
Favorite/least favorite food: Pizza/tuna fish.
Something on your “bucket list”: Learning how to do a front-flip.
An adventurous moment: Rock climbing with my brother in Wyoming.
Proud moment: Almost winning the wild horse saddling at a rodeo with my brothers.
Free-time activity: Playing guitar.
Music or sports event: I would like to see Josh Groban.
Favorite saint: St. Rene Goupil because he helped bring Christ to North America, and gave his life for Jesus.
Francisco Onate-Vargas
Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds, Law Order, NCIS.
Favorite/least favorite food: Chicken with spicy green salsa/oysters and fish.
Something on your “bucket list”: I flown in a helicopter.
An adventurous moment: Volcano
Proud moment: My decision to enter to discern my vocation to the priesthood.
Free-time activity: Spending time with at the movies, on the phone, and exercising.
Music or sports event: I’d like to see NYC Broadway show.
Favorite saint: St. John Bosco, because dedicated his whole life to the betterment education of disadvantaged youth.
Michael Cellars
Favorite TV show: I’m a bit of a TV junkie, but since entering seminary I haven’t had much time for it. The Big Bang Theory and The Blacklist are shows I try to keep up on.
Favorite/least favorite food: I haven’t met a meal I didn’t like. I guess it would be Thanksgiving all the way! Turkey, stuffing, and all the casseroles one can dream of.
Something on your “bucket list”: To see the Pittsburgh Steelers win another Super Bowl in person.
An adventurous moment: In 2012, my younger brother and I traveled to the College Baseball championship in Nebraska. We drove 24 hours straight to cheer on the Gamecocks!
Proud moment: Returning to The Citadel to finish my degree. I was originally in the Class of 2004 but left to attend minor seminary.
Free-time activity: Cooking or grilling with friends. Back home, one of my greatest joys is spending time with my nieces and nephews.
Music or sports event: I love all music — Johnny Cash would have been great to see in person.
Favorite saint: I would go with St. Philp Neri. He was a man of great wisdom and had a deep love for those that struggled in the faith. He spent much time catechizing the youth and he always had a cheerful disposition. He never took himself too seriously with others and is known as the humorous saint.
Rhett Williams
Favorite TV show: Jeopardy and Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Favorite/least favorite food: Lasagna/tripe soup, because it’s not righteous!
Something on your “bucket list”: One thing I’ve done is climbed up to Macchu Picchu.
An adventurous moment: Climbed to the top of an active volcano during my time in the Peace Corps in El Salvador.
Proud moment: Winning the state championship in baseball at Bishop England.
Free-time activity: Softball, basketball and soccer.
Music or sports event: Would like to go to a professional basketball or hockey game.
Favorite saint: Francis de Sales … a fearless preacher of the faith and example of humility. My birthday is on his feast day, which is an added bonus.