Our Lady of Fatima statue tour
CHARLESTON—The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in South Carolina parishes from April 30 to May 21. Check with your church or school for times. The dates are as follows: […]
CHARLESTON—The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in South Carolina parishes from April 30 to May 21. Check with your church or school for times. The dates are as follows: […]
SIMPSONVILLE—For two Upstate children, the best birthday gift was the chance to help someone else. On Feb. 8, six-year-old Vincent Ovsak and his sister Angela Ovsak, 5, made a big donation to the St. Vincent […]
TRAVELERS REST—Poor Clare Sister Helen Godfrey, of the Monastery of St. Clare, died Feb. 12. She was 77. The Mass of Christian Burial and burial were held Feb. 18 at the monastery. Sister Helen was […]
CHARLESTON—The Junior Daughters of Peter Claver start reaching out to their community and helping others at an early age. Rebecca Cox, one of the moms who supervises the group out of St. Patrick Church, said […]
T.J. Cofield of Greenville attended various churches while growing up, but never felt really comfortable about faith until he started attending Catholic campus ministry at Furman University. “I found my faith home was in the […]
During Lent, many parishes cover their crucifix, images and statues with veils. While a curious custom, shadowing the sacred in God’s dwelling is ancient. In the Book of Exodus, God gives Moses the stone tablets […]
TRAVELERS REST—Poor Clare Sister Joyce Munson, one of the founding members of the local Monastery of St. Clare, died Jan. 30 in Marietta. She was 81. The Mass of Christian burial and burial were held […]
Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone ordained 17 men to the permanent diaconate at Holy Spirit Church on Johns Island on Jan. 30, and another 18 at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Simpsonville on Feb. 6. This […]
“Offer it up!” For more seasoned Catholics, this recommendation conjures up images of a stern old nun denying children recess, candy, or a homework-free weekend. For all of us, though, the idea of offering any […]
Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone ordained 17 men to the permanent diaconate at Holy Spirit Church on Johns Island on Jan. 30, and another 18 at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Simpsonville on Feb. 6. This […]
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