CHARLESTON—Mario González Chavajay, a Tz’utuhil Mayan artist from Guatemala, will be the guest of honor and will paint live at the 2016 Guatemalan Gala oyster roast. It will be held on Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Diocese of Charleston Pastoral Center, 901 Orange Grove Road.
The paintings of Mario Gonzalez and his brother Pedro were among the only contemporary objects included in the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco’s exhibition “The Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya.” Mario is also one of seven Mayan artists who received invitations from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian to attend the opening of the new museum on the Mall in Washington, D.C.
In addition to learning more about Project San Pedro, which is a sponsorship program to educate children and provide medical missions, the oyster roast gala will give attendees a peek into the rich Guatemalan culture. The event includes a silent auction with handmade items from Guatemalan artists and weavers, who have passed down their artistic traditions for generations.
Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone encourages everyone to attend the gala and support Project San Pedro. Currently, there are about 400 children sponsored, and twice a year medical missions go to San Pedro to provide additional support to the youth, their families and the community.
“The Lord calls us to help the less fortunate. By attending this event, you can help our young brothers and sisters in Christ in Guatemala who struggle even to receive a very basic education,” Bishop Guglielmone said.
Tickets are $75 and include a Lowcountry oyster roast on the Ashley River, beer and wine, music, fellowship and a silent auction. To purchase tickets, contact Deacon Gabriel Cuervo, 843-225-7403 or gcuervo@catholic-doc.org. For more information, visit sccatholic.org/guatemalangala.