COLUMBIA—“On Fire with Faith, Rekindled” will be held in conjunction with the Hispanic Ministry Conference on Aug. 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center.
The conference is “rekindled” because the original date — scheduled for last October — was cancelled due to devastating floods from which parts of the state are still recovering.
The theme is “Casting the Nets of Mercy” in honor of the Jubilee Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis.

Sponsored by the diocesan Office of Catechesis and Christian Initiation, this year’s program will offer two keynote speakers and two rounds of workshops interspersed with exhibit time and lunch. Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone will celebrate the closing Mass at 5 p.m.
The keynote speakers are Hector Molina, “The Motivangelist”, who will discuss “Evangelization: Our Mission, Motive, Message, and Method”; and Carole Eipers, Ph.D., who will present “Stoking the Fire, Sounding the Alarm.”
Breakout sessions include:
- “Church Ministry: Explosion, Implosion, and the Universal Call” by Sister Pamela Smith, SSCM, Ph.D.;
- “Evangelizing with Mary” by Mark Chapman, Ph.D.
- “Four Secrets of the Spirituality of Self Care” by Nancy Bird
- “Go Forth: How to Keep Your Faith Encounters from Turning Into Class” by Dennis Feltwell, Ph.D.
- “God’s Gift of Forgiveness” by Pixie Smith
- “In the Classroom: Practical Approaches for the Volunteer Catechist” by Mark O’Dougherty
- “Laudato Si and Me” by Michael Martocchio, Ph.D.
- “More Like Christ” by John “Jack” Rabbit
- “Staying True to the Mission: The Church & The Gospel” by Christopher Gustafson, STD
- “Tent, Temple, & Tabernacle” by Christian LeBlanc
- “The Baptismal Catecheumenate: Inspiration for Catechesis” by Joyce Kelleher
- “The Gospel & The Family” by Kathy Schmugge
- and many more.
Registration is $20. For more information and to register, contact Cathy Roche in the Office of Catechesis and Christian Initiation, 843-261-0504 or cathy@catholic-doc.org; or Mike Martocchio, 843-261-0503 or mmartocchio@catholic-doc.org.
The diocesan Hispanic Conference, “Lanzando Las Redes de Misericordia”, will be held the same day from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, contact Ana Hidalgo, 803-750-0065.