WASHINGTON—The Vatican has released information to broadcasters for the worldwide telecasts of Christmas events presided over by Pope Francis. All times are UTC/GMT (Coordinated Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time) and are as follows:
* Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve, 20:25-22:30 hours, Christmas Mass at Night presided over by Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Basilica.
* Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day, 11:00-11:30 hours, Christmas message and “Urbi et Orbi” Blessing of Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Square.
Televised commentaries from the Vatican in English, Spanish and French will be offered on satellite and audio channels of Eurovision World Feed with satellite coordinates: www.eurovision.net/wf/worldfeeds.php. Various satellites and frequencies are also posted online at www.pccs.it/tj/telecasts.htm.
Those unable to receive the broadcasts through the above service providers should contact telecast@pccs.va for alternative satellite reception possibilities.
For the latest updates on the broadcast schedule, visit: www.ctv.va/content/ctv/it/worldtelecast/mondovisione-dicembre-2016.html. Additional questions can be addressed to: worldtelecast@ctv.va.
Judy Keane / United States Conference of Catholic Bishops