AIKEN—Dennis Perea recently won the 2017 American Legion Department of South Carolina Outstanding Boy Scout Award. American Legion Post 212 of Aiken nominated him. The statewide competition evaluates Scouts’ leadership skills, service to the church and community, high school achievements, academic rank, and letters of recommendation from community leaders. The award, plus a scholarship check, will be presented to Dennis at the S.C. American Legion Department Convention awards luncheon on June 2.
Dennis has been a Scout in Pack and Troop 121 since age 6. He is an active member of St. Gerard Church as head altar server and in the music ministry. For his Eagle Scout project, Dennis restored a 30-year-old sign and cross, reworked the church landscaping, and created an announcement system to disseminate parish information.
He has been in the gifted and talented program since third grade, and finished in the top 1,000 of South Carolina sophomores taking the PSAT. Dennis founded a school music group and created a music community outreach program. He was in the marching band, plays on his school golf team, and is active in volunteer work. He plans to study cybersecurity-computer science at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.