Despite closures across the state, the Diocese of Charleston will continue to provide services to those in need through various outreach organizations.
For example, St. Vincent de Paul societies will continue to operate at all parishes.
Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone received unanimous recommendation from the College of Consultors to exempt the St. Vincent de Paul outreach from parish closures that were instituted March 11.
Catholic Charities is also still providing food pantry services in all its outreach areas in order to help those in need. However, the Clean of Heart laundry/shower service is open only in Conway. The Columbia location is temporarily closed but is distributing snack and hygiene bags for the homeless. For locations of Our Lady’s Pantry and Clean of Heart, visit https://charitiessc.org/office-locations.
James Kaiser, executive director, said critical assistance is needed to help the poor, who are even more vulnerable now, along with those who have recently lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Kaiser said they are seeing a 50% increase of first-time visitors because of lost employment.
For more information, contact Catholic Charities at ccharities@charlestondiocese.org.
If you need assistance, contact your local office directly.
To receive notification of changes in service and how Catholic Charities is continuing to help, Click here to sign up and for the Catholic Charities newsletter.
People who can help serve the outreach missions are encouraged to do so by sharing information and resources.
All ministries are under strict instructions to follow appropriate guidelines to ensure that the coronavirus does not spread. The CDC guidelines may be found at https://www.scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19.