DIOCESE—The 40 Days for Life campaign will begin Wednesday Sept. 23 with kick-off rallies, music and speakers to celebrate the annual event.
Rallies will be held in Columbia and Greenville, both occurring Sept. 23 at 7 p.m.
In Columbia, the rally to kick off 40 Days for Life will be held in Middleburg Plaza. Greenville will hold their rally outside the Piedmont Women’s Center at 1143 Grove Road, with guest speakers Robin Roach and Julia Mendieta, and music by the For Life Praise Band.
In Charleston, the group is planning to hold daily vigils outside the Planned Parenthood offices at 1312 Ashley River Road. Visit www.40daysforlife.com/charleston to sign up for a time to participate in the silent, prayerful vigil.
Columbia vigils will take place on the sidewalk along Forest Drive behind Planned Parenthood at 2712 Middleburg Drive. Sign up times for individuals or parishes are available at https://www.40daysforlife.com/columbia.
In Greenville, po-life advocates will meet along the public right-of-way outside the Greenvile Women’s Clinic at 1142 Grove Road. Visit https://www.40daysforlife.com/greenville or contact Judy Masterson at 864-506-0964 or Valerie Baronkin at 864-297-8838.
40 Days for Life also features a variety of other events, including Life Chains, which are typically held on Oct. 4, plus a number of fun activities designed for parishes and schools, such as National Pro-Life Chalk Day and National Pro-life Cupcake Day.
To honor the annual event, pro-life advocates across the diocese initiated their own tributes. At Jesus Our Risen Savior Church in Spartanburg, for example, members of the Knights of Columbus Council 9575 mounted memorial crosses and signs to draw attention to the need to end abortion.
¡Nuestros hermanos y hermanas hispanohablantes también son bienvenidos! Para los 40 Días por la Vida nacionales, visite www.facebook.com/40DiasPorLaVidaInternacional.