De verdad, somos bendecidos
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Han pasado 11 años que he estado aquí en Carolina del Sur, sirviendo en la diócesis y en la ciudad de Charleston como su obispo. En todo ese […]
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Han pasado 11 años que he estado aquí en Carolina del Sur, sirviendo en la diócesis y en la ciudad de Charleston como su obispo. En todo ese […]
Carmen Carree, from Blythewood, is a full-time caregiver for her mother, who lives with her and has multiple sclerosis. It’s always a balancing act to keep her mom happy and healthy and also care for […]
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO – Ser fiel a Dios significa correr el riesgo de dejar de lado las necesidades y nuestros planes para servir a los demás, dijo el papa Francisco, celebrando la misa por la […]
VATICAN CITY—Young people today should not waste their lives dreaming of obtaining trivial things that provide only a fleeting moment of joy but aspire to the greatness God wants for them, Pope Francis said. Celebrating […]
VATICAN CITY—A delegation representing the National Basketball Players Association, a union representing professional athletes from the NBA, met with Pope Francis and spoke with him about their work in promoting social justice. The players association […]
COLUMBIA—A bag of cookies might not seem like a lot to some people, but to a lonely person in prison it can be a symbol of hope and a sign that someone cares. Volunteers with […]
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It’s been 11 years that I’ve been here in South Carolina, serving in the diocese and in the city of Charleston as your bishop. In all that time, I […]
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – Un sacerdote nicaragüense dijo que el huracán Iota golpeó la esquina noreste del país con “más fuerza” que el huracán Eta dos semanas antes y dejó comunidades devastadas y familias sin […]
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Si bien la pandemia del coronavirus puede haber conducido a un aislamiento debilitante para los católicos, no ha disminuido su hambre por la Eucaristía, expresaron obispos de todo el país. En una […]
Leaders in the Catholic Diocese of Charleston are closely following a protest that has been filed by an inmate on South Carolina’s death row in advance of his scheduled execution on Dec. 4. Richard Moore […]
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