Our Lady of Perpetual Help holds a traditional meal

CAMDEN—On the eve of the Easter Tridiuum, parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help “journeyed back through history and reenacted a Seder Meal through the lens of the Catholic Christian faith,” Maureen Renault wrote in a press release.

It was organized by Stephen Good­man, a permanent diaconate candi­date. This meal, steeped in tradition, required much preparation, from setting up the dining area to pur­chasing and preparing the meal, Renault stated.

Many parishioners helped plan and execute the event, providing the community with an opportunity to deepen its ties to faith and their soon-to-be permanent deacon, Good­man, along with his wife Silvia and daughter Julie.

All photos provided. Above, Lillian Lopez arranges a plate. Top image, a reading is given by Karen Wendel, Stephen Goodman, Father John Zimmerman, David Reuwer and Lane Garity.