CHARLESTON — The Diocese of Charleston’s efforts in stewardship received notice during the annual International Catholic Stewardship Council’s conference.
The diocese was presented the top award for best capital campaign materials for the “Our Heritage, Our Hope” campaign.
The conference took place Oct. 1-4 in Boston. Approximately 1,500 people from around the world attended, including clergy and laity who work in parish or diocesan stewardship efforts.
Bishop Robert J. Baker made a presentation on “Teens, Stewardship and the Sacrament of Confirmation” and signed copies of his two most recent books.
Each year ICSC recognizes dioceses and parishes that have best promoted the theology of stewardship during the year. The various methods used to teach and inform Catholics about stewardship become ever more important as they are shared through the ICSC exchange program.
The materials for the Diocese of Charleston included a video, printed matter, bottles of water with the campaign logo, and a copy of the diocesan directory which inspired the artwork for the logo. Guidance in Giving, Inc., is conducting the “Our Heritage, Our Hope” campaign for the Diocese of Charleston and has won the award three of the past four years.
The campaign is conducted through receptions organized at the parish level. Parishioners see the video, receive the brochure that includes all the issues for which the diocese is raising money, a pledge card and other information, according to Jim Myers, director of the Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement. The campaign is in the final time block.
“It’s a very nice recognition of the work that everyone jointly put into this,” Myers said. “It was the bishop’s idea to use the campaign cover on the directory, and the video was done locally, so it was a combined effort of a number of us and the team from Guidance in Giving,” he said. “It was especially rewarding for us because the bishop is the chairman of the USCCB ad hoc stewardship committee now.”
ICSC promotes the concept of holistic Christian stewardship. It serves archdioceses and dioceses, parishes, professional firms, religious congregations and Catholic associations through its seminars, publications and annual conference.
The council encourages the professionalism of diocesan stewardship and development programs directed toward improving the long-term growth of diocesan resources. ICSC also fosters the development of parish-centered stewardship programs aimed at increasing parishioner involvement and financial resources, based on the principle of shared responsibility and accountability.