GREENVILLE —St. Mary Church women’s club held their annual Spring Luncheon at the Embassy Suites recently, where they installed new officers, presented awards and enjoyed the gathering.
Cecilia Stansberry, 16, a homeschooler who is entering Belmont Abby College in the fall, was chosen as the recipient of the club’s annual scholarship of $1,000.
Also, Father Jay Scott Newman, pastor, installed new officers for the 2015-16 year, which began June 1. They are Nancy Criss, vice president; Susanne Wolfe, recording secretary; Judy Franzen, treasurer; and Veronica Yockey, president.
He also presented the Bridget Kenny Lacher Memorial Award pin to Peggy Moulton, who was selected as the 2015 Catholic Woman of the Year for the women’s club.
Members also paid tribute to ladies who are part of the special ‘Nineties Club.’ Three of those members were present at the luncheon, including Helen Williams, 91 and a member for 23 years; Jean Boggs, the oldest and longest-serving member at 98 and a member for 78 years; and Alma Furman, who is 96 and a member for 58 years. Unable to attend were Ruth O’Rourke, 95 and a member for 74 years, and Rose Eassy, 94 and a member for 44 years.