Bringing joy to children at Christmas
Santa and his team of helpers had a busy day handing out candy canes, snacks and presents to children during the all-day, drive-by toy distribution at the St. Francis Center on Saint Helena Island. Santa […]
Santa and his team of helpers had a busy day handing out candy canes, snacks and presents to children during the all-day, drive-by toy distribution at the St. Francis Center on Saint Helena Island. Santa […]
RIDGELAND—Hayden Jennings, a senior at John Paul II Catholic School, has signed a letter of intent to play baseball at Brevard College, located in Brevard, N.C. Hayden, a resident of Beaufort, is the son of […]
GEORGETOWN—Missionary Father Michel Mukad, administrator of St. Mary Our Lady of Ransom Church, died Dec. 8, the feast day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was 38. A viewing will be […]
The Maryknoll Lay Missioners community and Catholic musicians and artists will hold a virtual Advent Celebration of Hope on Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. To register visit https://mklm.org/advent-event/. For more information, please email jrivera@mklm.org.
CHARLESTON—A special collection to help retired religious will be held in the Diocese of Charleston on Dec. 12-13. Coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the appeal assists hundreds […]
CHARLESTON—Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone commissioned a group of spiritual directors Nov. 14 at a Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Family. The group studied for two years and completed their practicum with Spring Hill […]
ANDERSON—A Franciscan lay group at St. Mary of the Angels Church recently received formal creation of their fellowship. The Fraternity of Mother Cabrini of the Secular Franciscan Order was given canonical establishment on Nov. 13 […]
LAKE WYLIE—The Knights of Columbus Council 14475 conducted a Thanksgiving Food Drive at All Saints Church Nov. 20-22 and collected 5,938 items of shelf-stable food and personal hygiene products. The goods were donated to the […]
CHARLESTON—Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone delivered the homily at the annual City of Charleston Police Officer and Firefighter Awards Ceremony held Nov. 18. Detective Nicole Quick was selected by the Charleston Police Department as Officer of […]
SIMPSONVILLE—Father C. Thomas Miles was installed as pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church on August 27. The presider was Father Jay Scott Newman, dean of the Greenville Deanery. The Installation Mass was concelebrated by […]
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