A close-knit prayer shawl ministry
EASLEY—The St. Luke women’s organization has begun a new prayer shawl ministry. The group meets monthly to crochet, knit or fringe shawls that are then given to people in need. The ladies of St. Luke believe that this is a good way to return God-given blessings and pray as they work that the crafts will bring comfort to the recipient.
Jared Jackson awarded OLM scholarship
JAMES ISLAND—Jared Jackson, a graduate of Divine Redeemer School in Hanahan, was awarded a tuition scholarship to Bishop England High School from the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy recently. Pictured (left to right) are Bonifacia Jackson, Jared, Sister Mary Joseph Ritter, OLM, and Clarence Jackson. The scholarship is renewable each year upon completion of specific criteria. The religious community taught at the school and the scholarship is an expression of their legacy to Bishop England and commitment to Catholic education.
Book inspires St. Patrick to take action
CHARLESTON—On Aug. 9, St. Patrick Church held its first book discussion session based on Matthew Kelly’s book, “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic.” The two-hour session was facilitated by Terry Brown. The book was introduced to the parish in April by Father Henry Kulah, pastor, who made copies available to all members of the church. He encouraged everyone to read the book and try to put it into action.
Using statistics from his research, Kelly’s book states that only 7 percent of Catholic parishioners are fully involved in their faith community and paying entirely for its maintenance and mission. He states, however, that the small percentage can be overcome if Catholics embrace more completely the four signs of a dynamic Catholic: prayer, study, generosity and evangelization.
St. Patrick members plan to hold additional sessions to discuss how the parish can best use the four characteristics to inspire and motivate parishioners to become more involved in the mission of the church and seek ways to renew the parish.
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