Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.

Select a news topic from the list below, then select a news article to read.
St. Mary, Blessed Sacrament win diocesan volleyball tourney St. Mary in Greenville and Blessed Sacrament in Charleston came away with top titles in the 2013 Diocese of Charleston Youth Volleyball Tournament that was sponsored by […]
St. Peter Historic Catholic Church was given a historic marker from The Beaufort County Historical Society on Nov. 14, 2013.
Beaufort turns out for Life ChainBEAUFORT—Theresa Pulliam, Life Chain coordinator for Beaufort, said 129 people took a stand against abortion at the Beaufort Life Chain held Oct. 27. The national event was held Oct. 6 […]
St. Mary hosts clergy appreciationAIKEN—St. Mary Help of Christians Church held its annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner on Oct. 21 to honor priests and deacons. St. Clare of Assisi Fraternity hosted the event for more than […]
St. Mary, Blessed Sacrament win diocesan volleyball tournySt. Mary in Greenville and Blessed Sacrament in Charleston came away with top titles in the 2013 Diocese of Charleston Youth Volleyball Tournament that was held at Bethany […]
Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone celebrated Mass for All Soul’s Day at Holy Cross Cemetery on James Island.
People of faith can accomplish great things if they are willing to put God at the very center of their lives.
Sisters of Life visit USCCOLUMBIA—The Sisters of Life visited the University of South Carolina’s St. Thomas More Center recently. The contemplative/active religious community was founded in 1991 by Cardinal John O’Connor for the protection and […]
St. Mary supports women religiousAIKEN—A group of parishioners in second-sixth grade from St. Mary Help of Christians Church opened their hearts to vocations and their stomachs to pancakes. The girls are members of the Companions […]
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